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eForm 4 is Here!!!

The ATF finally came through with an online application Form 4. I can't say it's intuitive, but it's finally available. Supposedly it's going to only take 90 days for a tax stamp. We will see...

Actually, we will definitely see because I filed my first eForm 4 on 12/28/21.

UPDATE!!! We got our first stamp back in 77 days!!! 12/29/21 to 3/16/22

UPDATE #2: Well that didn't last...wait times for eForms are now up to 6 months.


Here's what I learned about the process so far:


You (you the consumer) will need to create an account on the ATF eForms website (;referrer=%2Fhome). With this, you will need to provide us with your User Id and Pin. It's very important that we have the exact same email address and home address you put in your account for when we file your eForm 4, otherwise the system cannot match you and the form will not get filed.


You'll need one 2 in x 2in photo (passport style photo), a jpg is fine as well, email it to or bring in a photo.


There's two options, we can mail in two finger print cards with the cover sheet that gets emailed to you once your eform 4 has been submitted by us. Or you can get an electronic finger print file that we can upload. The electronic finger print file needs to have a .eft file extension. As a non-law enforcement person, I haven't quite figured out how you get this yet. Just what it accepts.

I do know that electronic fingerprinting requires an ORI (Originating Agency Identification) number and this is the ORI for the NFA: WVATF0800.


With eForms, they only take a credit card. So if you are going to file this way, you no longer have the option to use a check or money order.


Other benefits of an eForm 4 are you can do an individual transfer with your eForms account. So if you want to sell your Silencer, Short Barreled Rifle or AOW to another individual, you can file that via eForms instead of paper.

I don't see this improving the wait times to 90 days, more like it'll shave two months off the average ten month wait time. But you never know...



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